Architecture is a very technical art of designing and constructing buildings. Arhitectures go through many classes in their student years to learn all the specialized and complex ways of creating a living space. Just like music is a very technical subject too. But when you see the building, hear the music and you experience it, it makes you feel something not technical but rather emotional. The logic is that one note means maybe nothing, but many one notes combined together means something in our brains. Just like the way architecture is. When you see a line is resembles almost nothing, but those lines together combined together creates a sketch and later on that skecth becomes a building, and when you look at it it resembles something for you, its exciting to look at.
All these constrains and borders will create something extraordinary and outside of the box. For the art to become immortal and respected, to make the viewer/listener feel something about it, it should provoke feelings and doing it takes lots of practice and technic.
TWA Hotel by Beyer Blinder Belle (Flight Center Renovation) and Lubrano Ciavarra Architects (New York, New York)